I just wanted to note that I changed the features so you are all admin like me, so also as much in charge as me. Add whatever you want... authors, links, gadgets, pictures, colors, background. Or invite other cool writerly folks (by going to "Settings" and then "permissions"). This Friday, I will put all of our names into a hat and draw them for our prompt-ordering. Not to say the ordering won't change if other of our friends stop being wimps and join in. It'll be cool.
By the way: I want you all to like my prompts. So, even if you don't like my prompts, please tell me that you like my prompts. I'm sensitive, so it's okay to lie to me.
Oh, and I should tell you how geeky I am: I dreamt about this blog having cool prompts on it (plus the roller derby girl I have a crush on joined up without me even inviting her because it was just.that.good). But, in my defense, the above picture is from a store just down the street from my studio, and they never asked me to weigh in on the proofreading of their sign. Soooooo...... you can see the result of not loving the geeks.
What i like about this is:
For the last month I have been thinking about asking my blog readers to give me prompts....but feared I would ask and no one would give. This way, my own precious feelings of worth remain more intact. Though I am scared of your prompts JK because they will be waaaaay smarter than me.
Oh well.
hmmm I wonder when the shy mime will show up...
shy mime: you will now have to mime your prompts and post the pictures of you miming them, so we can interpret.
and cc, glad to be of service... but don't worry about my prompts being waaaaay too smart; I'm pretty sure my brain has turned to total mush in the past two years. mush that can't write. mush that is jealous about all my marvelous friends publishing. wicked, lazy not-smart mush. :)
anyhow, now we're just waiting for N and M to join, but they're the ones who have been dealing with some health issues, so they might take awhile.
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