Thursday, March 11, 2010

How would you guys feel if....

we linked to this blog sometimes on Facebook (or other internet forums we are a part of)?

I was contemplating this because I think it'd be fun to get more responders to the prompts. So, we come up with them... and others also write, and possibly comment on the prompts and responses... more dialogue, more gossip, etc. Just a thought.

Also, I was wondering if -- for those of you who aren't posting your responses to the prompts, maybe because this is a public spot and you may want to later publish your work -- what about posting an excerpt, maybe even a sentence, instead? From time to time? (Not every time because I know we all might want to pick which prompts we respond to... but my point is to not be shy, even if you are a shy mime. :) I was thinking about doing this too (as in, not exceeding a full page).


cc said...

I have no issue with either question/thought.


bezdomnik said...

where did everyone go?

cc said...

i don't know. i've been bad about the last two terms of writing for them...but i'm still here.

akr said...

I'm here too. Mostly writing in my head for the last few prompts-- will try to get something posted up soon.

And, no problems with making this more widely available...